One more fuckin nonsense from this fucker, i swear to god i will punch your fuckface once you step out of sungei gedong camp. Ccb. Fuckin disturb my girl's name right fuckface? I will really make you fear me until your ord date. Fuckin pissed me off.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Burned my Friday night yesterday due to the service and maintenance for FTX. Yes, i am back home. 5 days add together, i didnt get to slp more then 20 hours. Its tirin, its mentally torturin. On Wednesday 4 am in the mornin, my 63633 vehicle nearly overturn. One side of the wheels is in a hole and the other side is in the air. What an experience! Met baby today and had fun. Bought a shirt for her and myself. I knew sh
e would like it. Haa!

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Up comin events next and the followin weeks. Big day on the 10th, which is the also the Good Friday, Sunday prep for ops, Battalion FTX on the 13th to 17th, and Battalion turn ops on the 17th right after FTX. That will definitely be a shag week. A 5 days 4 night field camp. ZZ. Have been slackin from end of Feburary till now, feelin kind of borin towards this outfield exercise. After all these will all be on stand-by for any outbreak of war. Oh, i forgot there's 1 more upcomin big event which fall on the 9th i guess. Gerald's comin back Singapore!